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The Lost Gods series

Cover for Paragon Forgotten. A woman looking through a tear in the universe.


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Map 18 Feb.png

Paragon Forgotten

The Lost Gods, Book 1

Cohthel should have visited his father’s grave sooner, because now it’s missing.


His mother makes excuses for the absent grave, which Cohthel accepts, but his best friend won’t. He convinces Cohthel his father must still be alive, and Cohthel runs away from school, family, and friends to find the truth. He needs the truth because Mother won’t remarry and without a father’s guidance Cohthel fears he’ll never choose an apprenticeship, will live with Mother the rest of his life, won’t fully grasp manhood, and all his friends will succeed in life and leave him behind.


​While away, Cohthel hears corrupting rumors that humans are breaking alliances to force the other eight races to worship humans as gods. He returns home to not only having found the truth about his once-thought-dead father, but that he now must choose: join the humans’ war for godhood and erase his culture, identity, and humanity, or oppose the war and be forced to kill the only thing he’s ever wanted: a father. An ageless human lurks behind the fabric of the universe, and she gives Cohthel a third impossible choice: stop the war. But he must find a way to live forever, first.


Paragon Forgotten is most comparable to a young adult-style Dragonlance Chronicles by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman for the epic world-building and racially diverse realms. Paragon Forgotten floats atop modern themes of diversity, acceptance, love, and service, as well as the tearing inner conflict between right, wrong, and family.

I dedicate The Lost Gods to all men everywhere. I love, admire, and respect all of you. Thank you for your strength.

A nomination notification
An award.
Anchor 1

Paragon Ruin

The Lost Gods, Book 1

Front cover.png


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Map 18 Feb.png

Cohthel’s friends joined the enemy.


The enemy — rogue humans called Nightmares — fester inside the Kingdom like a corrupted wound, marching toward the promise the Dreamer made to make each human a king. Cohthel became an elite swordsman to bring his wandering father home, but changes course, instead, toward yanking his friends away from the Nightmare ranks they have joined. But they’re immersed deep within the Nightmare fabric, enraptured by their commander, the Dreamer, and his corrupting ideology. Cohthel succeeds rescuing one, but not the other, by the time the Kingdom’s war arrives, and Cohthel stands at the crossroad: losing his culture and racial identity if the Nightmares win, or watching his best friend die if the Nightmares lose? Drowned by this tearing conflict of choices, the Dreamer turns Cohthel to choose one more: kill his father. Or witness the entire Kingdom burn.

Unboxing and Cover Reveal

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