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J.M Robison,
Fantasy where heroes don't follow the rules
Legalized Human Trafficking: Big Company is Monetizing You
...And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy. And then, on the eighth day, God created an obstetrician and gynecologist.
A Journaling of Why I'm no Longer with my Publisher
***My point with this journal entry is not to complain about my publisher, but to explain why I am no longer a published author on 14...
The Dangers (and Courtesies) of "Feedback" for Incomplete Manuscripts.
This post is specific to the dangers and courtesies of asking for feedback on a manuscript that is not complete. (I address the dangers...
We Were Not Born Broken
This post written 100% by human. (My Anti-AI promise here.) A POEM CALLED "WHAT HURTS?" Foot. Back. Hip and knee. Ankle, shoulder--no...
My Anti-AI Promise
RULES: Humans only ChatGPT and all other AI will never, never, never touch anything of mine. Everything, from my newsletters, to my blog,...
How to Write a Realistic Prison Guard Character (Hollywood gets this wrong)
I worked as a Deputy Sheriff for 7 years over three different counties. If you would like to write a character who is a prison guard or...
Authors, The Reviews Are Not For You
What IS the point of reviewing books? From nasty to helpful, why do reviewers feel compelled to say anything at all? If you review, what...
Don't Write for Money. Write Because You Have a Story to Tell.
I see an upsetting attitude toward writing, and that attitude is "Don't write the 2nd book in the series until the publisher accepts the...
Why You’re in a Reading Slump and How to Break From it
How did you get to this point? You LOVE books… don’t you? Maybe you’re afraid you don’t love books anymore because the last three that...
The Last Wizard has a 324 Year Old Secret
Wanting to track down her friend's murderers, corset-hating Brynn of 1842 England follows a map her dead friend left her, but she finds...
The Difference Between An Active and Reactive Plot Line
There are only 2 forces in this world: what we make happen by our own two hands (we drive the car) and the random acts we react to (we...
My Blogging Intern Stint With
BELOW ARE THE ARTICLES I WROTE FOR COLLEGERENTALS.COM Why Tweeting About Your Roommates Is A Bad Idea Maintain Personal Security in Your...
Don't Express Yourself
Don’t you dare express yourself. Not in religion, race, or gender Because opinions are threats, And sensitive to every member. If you...
Read A Book, Ruin A Book
I've done it. I was booted from a facebook book lover's group. And when I say "booted" I mean, my posted was deleted, I was kicked out...
A Thousand Hearts: a free short story and poem anthology by J.M. Robison
Download A Thousand Hearts free on smashwords. Read a sample from the book below: It splattered on the back of his neck in a coil of...
I Was Captured Last Night
But I escaped out of the window, turned into a bird, and flew away. Have you ever sat down and analyzed your dreams? If they are some...
Magic Isn't Real, So Why Does it Feel Realistic?
I shared a blog post to my Facebook writer’s group. In this blog I said, “And in all things, writing must be realistic.” A fellow writer...
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