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J.M Robison,
Fantasy where heroes don't follow the rules
A Journaling of Why I'm no Longer with my Publisher
***My point with this journal entry is not to complain about my publisher, but to explain why I am no longer a published author on 14...
Why E-book Fantasy Writers Should Include Maps
I’m an avid reader of fantasy books. I’m also an avid writer of fantasy books. And, what the heck, I’m also an avid enthusiast about maps...
Fun Facts About The War Queen
(O) I conceived the idea for The War Queen In 2008. I'd gone for a midnight walk to the pillars above ISU campus in Pocatello, ID. I'm...
Music Links to Songs I Used in the Making of The War Queen
Since The War Queen has an ebook version, I REALLY wanted to attach links into the book itself during certain scenes, like at my battle...
War Queen 1st chapter
300 years ago, the people dethroned their king and queen to avoid another tyranny. The people instead nominate a State Head every three year
Author Interview with Lady Altarn (from The War Queen)
Lady Altarn (Interviewee) JM Robison (Interviewer) JM ROBISON: What is your name? ALTARN: Altarn Lilleith Shadheing JM ROBISON: Where do...
Author Interview with Lord Kaelin (from The War Queen)
Lord Kaelin (Interviewee) JM Robison (Interviewer) JM ROBISON: What is your full name? KAELIN: Kaelin-drath Morrendrake. JM ROBISON:...
What Makes The War Queen Different From Other Fantasy And Romance Novels?
I pride myself in writing a book with unique elements you don't see (or see very little of) in other fantasy romance books. First of all,...
Win Prizes with Future Contests
FAN ART (Contest Currently Closed) There will be a call-out for War Queen fan-art. At that time, I will be accepting art that features...
First Draft Scares
I disagree with Hemmingway. All of my first drafts are awesome. I just make them more awesomer as I go. However that may be, The War...
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