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J.M Robison,
Fantasy where heroes don't follow the rules
The Difference Between An Active and Reactive Plot Line
There are only 2 forces in this world: what we make happen by our own two hands (we drive the car) and the random acts we react to (we...
My Blogging Intern Stint With
BELOW ARE THE ARTICLES I WROTE FOR COLLEGERENTALS.COM Why Tweeting About Your Roommates Is A Bad Idea Maintain Personal Security in Your...
Not Every Character Should Be Beautiful
Us writers love to introduce beautiful characters. It’s poetic and tugs at our heartstrings when a dashing cowboy struts into the scene,...
Don't Express Yourself
Don’t you dare express yourself. Not in religion, race, or gender Because opinions are threats, And sensitive to every member. If you...
Read A Book, Ruin A Book
I've done it. I was booted from a facebook book lover's group. And when I say "booted" I mean, my posted was deleted, I was kicked out...
A Quick And Dirty On When To Stop And Start A Chapter
Have a looooooooooong chapter and want to cut it but don’t know where? Cut the chapter right when you blast the reader with surprise,...
THE PANTSTER'S UNDERPANTS:| How To Write Like A Pantster | How Pantsters Do It | Why You Should
The age-old debate…to wear pants, or not to wear pants? Oh, that’s not the debate…? Maybe it’s…to outline or not to outline (but that...
Don’t Ignore Common Sense In Writing
I didn’t think this was an issue, but after reading so many books, both by published authors and author-hopefuls, I realize it’s not only...
Why Having Strict Story Rules Makes For A Better Story
What is a story rule? It is that rule which you create in your character and/or plot that is never to be broken. Example: RULE - a man...
A Thousand Hearts: a free short story and poem anthology by J.M. Robison
Download A Thousand Hearts free on smashwords. Read a sample from the book below: It splattered on the back of his neck in a coil of...
The Importance Of Knowing Your Story’s Backstory, Even If You Don’t Reveal It To The Reader
I’m editing an old favorite story of mine – THE LOST GODS (16 years in the making. It’s gone through about 3 massive overhauls already.)...
Christianity and Literary Torture Scenes
I am a Christian, as I stated before in my sister blog post: Christianity and Literary Sex Scenes. I was raised to believe in doing what...
I Was Captured Last Night
But I escaped out of the window, turned into a bird, and flew away. Have you ever sat down and analyzed your dreams? If they are some...
Magic Isn't Real, So Why Does it Feel Realistic?
I shared a blog post to my Facebook writer’s group. In this blog I said, “And in all things, writing must be realistic.” A fellow writer...
Christianity and Literary Sex Scenes
As a Christian there is a negative connotation when it comes to sex. It is often portrayed as being, “Inappropriate to talk about,” or...
Challenges I’ve Had To Overcome While Writing
My biggest challenge is falling too much in love with my story and characters. I pour so much passion into my writing that a deep,...
Christianity and Literary Swearing
I’m Christian. I’ll even go so far as to say I’m a Latter Day Saint (Morman) so I abstain from smoking, alcohol, premarital sex, and...
Why E-book Fantasy Writers Should Include Maps
I’m an avid reader of fantasy books. I’m also an avid writer of fantasy books. And, what the heck, I’m also an avid enthusiast about maps...
Every Person Will Read the Same Book Differently. Let Them.
We’ve all done it. Read a book so amazing our lives are irrevocably changed thereafter. Because we want to impress this amazing discovery...
Træ Sko
5,900 words. Written with this prompt: A happy horror story with a wooden shoe. Plot being a fight between two people for one open job...
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